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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spirit Contact: Are we intruding and bothering the spirit world?

We've heard from time to time from mediums that some ghosts are tired of the constant attempts to communicate with them and we have to wonder if this may be true in some cases? In some instances the spirit world may be happy to know that someone is acknowledging them and may have messages of value to impart, but how about others? For instance, the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast in Fall River Massachusetts has been deluged with investigators, psychics, and every quija board carrying ghost enthusiast imaginable.
Lizzie Borden House (Bed/Breakfast)
Lizzie Borden House (Bed/Breakfast) (Photo credit: dbking)
No doubt hundreds have come to that place to find evidence of spirit activity and existence. So whatever happened to "Rest in Peace" and does it irritate the spirits in this B&B? Psychic Amy Allen alleged so in an episode of the Dead Files, and it is worth considering. So what say our readers? Do you think the spirits are bothered with the constant investigations, the constant demands to "touch someone" or "make a sound" or ? Please weigh in..
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  1. I suppose it depends on what existence is like for the spirits. If they're totally aware I'd imagine it would get old rather quickly though.

  2. I would think that in some instances, certain spirits that are famous would get tired of the constant poking and heckling. I get visited by spirits quite often and to be honest, sometimes I'm just not in the mood in the wee hours of the morning, having someone standing at the end of my bed or doorway, or call out my name. A normal life once in a while, would be nice, if I had the ability to turn it off and on.

    1. Wow, you may need to learn how to shut it down from time to time..

  3. I believe there's been enough investigation; spirits and spirit energy spill over into our world. We've got the evidence, I have no doubts, so I say we start to find out some information from these investigations that we can really use. I believe Zak and his crew at GA do the best job. He confirmed that spirits are aware of other spirits in the same space and can even identify who they are. That was good information we can use. I would ask things like "what is it like where you are?", "if you did cross over, what was it like?", "are you with your loved ones?", "how does the spirit world interact with the physical world?" We may only get one or two word answers but, eventually, we could piece them together and maybe come up with a blueprint of life after death.

    1. I agree information we can use would be the most viable worthwhile pursuit at this point. Great comments!!

  4. I realized I didn't answer the question. Yes, we are. So we need to stop just investigating to prove the existence of spirits, we need to use our time interacting with the spirit world to get some compelling answers.

  5. There is nothing wrong in investigating about those spirit theories. It will eventually resolve the lot of question regarding their existence and will only bring on truth eradicating myths surrounding the subject. Do the spirits get tired of these investigations? Really! lol! These are spirits and dead (If they exist). How can they be tired?

    BTW read my novel based on ancient astronaut aliens here:

    1. Alas, they are dead to the physical world, but if you believe they are "aware" and can interact with the living then they probably still would like to rest in peace at some point especially since there is so much documentation to suggest many spirits do not like intrusions.

  6. In my experience always best to be cautious on communicating with the spirit world as you don't know for certain who you talking to and unaware of their true intentions


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