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Monday, November 5, 2012

BigFoot Caught On Tape?

English: Provo Canyon, Fall 2006.
English: Provo Canyon, Fall 2006. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Readers this is a new story that could possibly be the most compelling footage yet, or as one may think, another elaborate hoax. Experts and skeptics alike though seem to agree that the reactions of the hikers seem to lend credibility to the story and to the film itself.

As the creature began to stand one notices what appears to be a quick glance of a human like shape and arm. It is a fleeting capture since the hikers, once realizing they were not in the safe distance of a black bear began to run. Reports indicate the hikers not only fled the scene, but they abandoned their campsite, and tent and ran to their car. When asked if they had ever believed in the existence of Bigfoot one hiker said that they had never believed that a Bigfoot existed.
This creature appears to be crouching and you only for a brief moment get a different perspective during the last few seconds of the video when it appears to stand and make its way up the incline. At that time you make note of a large back, human like shoulders and one long arm swings just out from the torso. Could this be the most provocative Bigfoot evidence in recent years? You'll have to study the tape yourself and make up your mind.
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  1. I like this video. It is compelling, but I wonder why the person shooting it stopped after whatever it was got up? I believe that a creature like bigfoot can exist, anything is possible.. but I think by now we would have found something more than we have... like corpses or ones that have been shot??

    1. Well that is where the skeptic is having a great deal of problems with the Bigfoot theory. One would expect to find bones and some remains of these creatures by now. However, as Bigfoot enthusiasts will tell you with regards to remains, there are very few corpses and/or bones of bears found in the wild as well. When you consider that they assert that bears out number most modest Bigfoot populations by a ratio of atleast 10,000 to 1, you'd think you'd see far more remains of bears too. Something also to ponder is how very few remains of Gorillas are found in their habitat as well. Since there have been very few reports of Bigfoot being shot or wounded, or killed they may simply die in hidden locations and if they are as intelligent as some would say they are, their maybe an effort on their part to dispose of their remains collectively.

  2. There was a time when I was almost obsessed with Big Foot. Years and Years ago I use to do a lot of research because I did and still do believe in Big Foot. And I do agree with what Dawn said about there are several different species that you never find their remains. I believe with as intelligent as they are, there may be ways of disposing the bones and such in a way we are not aware of. I also believe they are able to survive again because of their intelligence. This is a huge universe, not couldn't there be more species living that we have not seen?

    1. Good points Eva, and we know that scientists are still as we speak discovering new species all the time long thought to either have been extinct or not even in existence to begin with. In fact, as long as you have carnivores, and scavengers in the woods, you are not going to have many remains, for instance packs of wolves will feast and return to their kill and leave very little carnage in their wake. There are known wild animals in the woods today, in healthy populations that, if we only relied on presence of their remains we'd have to assume they do not exist or are at least in are in far fewer numbers than what our records might suggest. I lived for 8 years on a mountain in Maine, and throughout my walks, I never came across any carcass or bones of any large animal. I can only assume that between the natural decaying process which in warm weather can happen very rapidly, and the Coyotes and other creatures there would be little to find. Now in South Carolina, we have one of the highest Whitetail deer populations in the United States, however I have in my time run across only a few deer bones, and any remains that one might see is because of traffic/roads encroaching on their environment. If their habitat were as undisturbed as Bigfoots, we might never see much evidence of them either,especially in the small numbers that comprise of Bigfoot's population.
      I once read that some groups of Native Americans believe Bigfoot to be a mystical creature that is able to appear and disappear at will.


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