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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Did you catch Dead Files last night?

We must say that was a particularly "spooky" episode. Of course all abandoned prisons are probably scary as all get out, this one in New Mexico had a negative past that went beyond the building itself. That being said, does anyone else find the psychic's (Amy Allan) walk through particularly annoying?
Not only is it annoying, it's frustrating. The weird facial expressions, the long pauses, the sputtered, chopped, fragmented sentences she blurts out that make no sense...I mean come on...we've seen a lot of psychic's visit haunted locations, why does this psychic act like a spaz?
As much as we at TPB love the show and the show's  premise, their psychic is starting to lose us. Why does she act completely normal during the visit with the client, yet during the walk through she gets all "crazy eyes" and incoherent? Your thoughts??? Anyone?
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  1. One word: Producers.
    I really like "The Dead Files." I like Amy but her "performances" do tend to be a bit forced. I can almost hear the producers off set saying crap like: "Act more crazy and scared. No one will believe you are in any real danger if you don't act more crazy and scared."
    Effin' ruins everything.

    1. It it total "Hollywood". She is just acting like an idiot for the cameras. Everything is "bad, bad, bad", "I don't like it here", always a demon, etc. I've watched a few shows but can't stand to watch here annoying body language, stringy hair, and blue eye shadow. I know that picky but having known physics in my life, I've never seen one go "Hollywood" like that. It's all for the cameras, not for the true believer in the paranormal. Too bad. It's a nice idea.

  2. We really love the show too. When Amy starts her walk through her reactions are quite distracting and we wonder too if she is following the direction of over ambitious directors/producers.

  3. We have to understand where the creators are coming from. We, the audience, know that the show is compelling because of the story that is being woven for us, not because someone is telling us (or poorly showing us) that they are scared. But the people who are dumping money into making the show can't really take that chance. On paper someone who just stands there and tells us what she is "feeling" doesn't seem like compelling tv. They need the audience to feel tension anyway they can produce it. It is the way they think they will draw in viewers. It is classified as a "horror" show after all. Besides, there is already a show on basic cable where people sit around and seem to make stuff up and it's called "Fox & Friends."
    I actually feel like this adds to Amy's credits. If a show needed someone to pretend to be a psychic they could go to any street corner in Hollywood and find any number of desperate people with acting skills willing to fill the slot. The awkwardness we are complaining about is produced when you find someone with the skills to make the premiss of this show work and then is forced to ham it up as a safety measure.
    If we would all rather see someone who can convincingly pretend to talk to ghosts rather actually talking to ghosts, I'm sure we could petition the show to replace Amy with Haley Joel Osment. He doesn't seem like he is up to much these days.

    1. Can't you she regresses to about 8 to 13 years of age for her walk throughs?

  4. I have to remember this is entertainment and not a fact based or journalistic show. Keeping that in mind I have a lot of fun watching TDF. It's s unique concept with the simultaneous investigation. I am a skeptic though. Steve and Amy may not speak but we know there is a production team and the amount of just DEAD ON predictions makes me think this is a very scripted or at least "lead on" during Amy's walk. Amy's walk always comes after the initial walk by Steve.

    If Amy is as talented as she (or the show) claims there are hundreds of business leaders, investors and not to mention the government that would pay handsomely for her talents

    Still. I enjoy the show and Steve is fun and Amy's husband is a doll.

    Scotty in Indy.

  5. I find the historical info Steve digs up very interesting, actually that is the best part of the show. On the other hand, Amy is very bothersome (to say the least) she really over acts, I find it very hard to take her serious or even believable. If Amy see's and talks to dead people like she portrays on the show then i would think she would have been driven insane by now, how could you possibly live a somewhat normal life living everyday like that. They need to keep Steve and find a real medium. P.S. it really annoys me how every situation Amy
    encounters is "creepy", I
    wouldn't think interacting with
    dead people would be a warm fuzzy thing.....she could at least come up with more convincing words.

  6. SO ANNOYING! And, why is it that EVERY time she only sees horrifying spirits causing the haunting and suggests people MOVE and GET OUT! I'm so sure. First of all we have the power of the spirits and you can reclaim your space is ALMOST every instance. Second, lots of places have spirit activity and not ALL are as DEMONIC as she claims. I think she's the horrifying spirit entering these places! lol I don't think its good how she tries to scare the homeowners and make everything SO DARK! I don't know...I just find it hard to believe that all these spirits are so harmful. Sometimes its just plain ol spirit activity!

    1. You are right Roko, most entities can be gotten rid of and I think they really jump the gun saying that their clients should leave. There have been episodes where Allen has told the "clients" certain things they can do to reclaim their home, so what we find befuddling is why these solutions are not suggested more often. We also have to wonder, as has been mentioned by other viewers, if she isn't laying it all on a little thick for the benefit of the television viewers...We'll never know for sure until something or someone, at some point "debunk" her, or the show itself..but Allen's quirky performance aside, the show is a pretty good watch...for now...

  7. Totally agree with the concensus here. The investigator does a great job bringing possible credibility to claims. However, I usually end up turning the channel when Amy appears. She over does her part and seems to be taking direction. She hams it up too much. I wonder how we can get her off the show. Without her, it would be soooo goooood!!!

  8. Has anyone else noticed that Amy always has a sketch done that matches any photo Steve comes up with? On the last episode I saw, the sketch was a combination of three entities (three photos). She is clearly being fed info from Steve's walk through and being briefed in any relevant history. It seems a mention at the local library guarantees an appearance as a 'ghost'. Too convenient. Also, Amy is hyper-critical of any previous efforts at 'contact'. She is the only special one who won't offend the spirits. (Even though they often seem to want her dead.)Whether Steve knows Amy is being fed the information or not, Amy Allan is FAKE. She has also contradicted herself and gotten historical facts wrong in her 'readings'. I hate the way she slanders the dead for money/ego.

    1. I did raise an eyebrow when that last episode revealed a sketch that was a merging of several entities, that just seemed a big reach for us...

  9. I think she is as sincere as she can be. Sometimes she might get freaked out herself! As far as "always seeing harmful spirits", they don't send them out for piddly hauntings. There has to be a measure of severity to it. I doubt the producers get a lot of calls from people with ghost bunnies frolicking through their garden.

    I like her, and I like Steve. I think they are just two normal people that have a skill set that they use to a common end. Not in love with her husband. I am not sure why he is there. I kinda think he might have needed a job and she got him on as her personal cinematographer (to go along with the two others that cover the walk-throughs).

  10. Why does Amy Allan act like that? Because she's faking (and I'm sure it's not the first time she has).


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