Spirits attach themselves to people, places and things. Homes are probably the most commonly known. If you have an old bed and breakfast that was around during a horrible time like the Civil War, you could have a lot of spirits who have stuck around. Talk about wearing out your welcome! Most are divided into different groups, of course. Some are full blown spirits, some are remnants of spirits past, and some are demonic.
When you purposely visit one of these proclaimed haunted bed and breakfast homes, you may get more than you bargained for. In many cases, people who experience paranormal activity in one of these homes will tell you that they find that the spirit has attached themselves to them and went back to their own homes. They begin to experience activity at their homes, and soon call for help of psychics and/or ghost investigators to try and remove the spirits from their homes.
Googling these B&B's and finding the haunted ones is easy enough, and if you so choose to go visit these homes, just be aware that you may bring something home that is more than a cheap gift from the gift shop!
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