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Friday, July 4, 2014

UFO or ?

Ok it has been awhile since we've written anything regarding UFO's. However, it's a topic we love to read about and we certainly love personal stories whenever we can find them and that includes our own. In the Southeast US stormy skies were prevalent yesterday and so ever bearing my Fuji digital I decided to take a few pics of the ominous sky and the shots were quite lovely in color. However, once uploaded the last photograph contained an image that I did not see in my ten to fifteen minutes of staring at the sky taking photos. I am not sure what this image is, but I did submit to google images to see if there were any like images floating around and there were few so I decided to post the photos here and hope to get feedback from the smartest group of people I know, our readers. Here goes:
Unidentified flying object
© 2014 Dawn Gagnon Photography

© 2014 Dawn Gagnon Photography
unidentified flying object South Carolina
© 2014 Dawn Gagnon Photography
Ok let me have your thoughts, what do you think it is? It only showed up in one photo and it was the last of several II had taken while outside. Discuss...


  1. Just to say with today technology, any photos or video taken always be cautious and never take it at face value

    1. Very true no telling what it could be, that is why UFO even though most people take it to mean little green men spacecraft, is really just a blanket term, could be anything, ours, theirs or ?

    2. @Gatekeeper just to clarify though, this is my own photo. So on my end its legit as to it being something not of my creation...

  2. exactly, Unidentified Flying Object-
    so it is a UFO, cause it's unidentified, it's flying and it's an object...

    1. Yep, I just would rather it be identified, the thought of this hovering outside my front door step is a little disconcerting, but it could just be my peeps looking for me :P

  3. Nice photo of the UFO. I can see the long dark areas are windows! That is freaking awesome! Finally a good photo. Where and when was the photo taken?

    1. This was taken hovering in the sky in South Carolina just before a big thunderstorm. Thank you for reading the article. I took several pics of the sky trying to capture the beauty of the storm clouds and in only one of a series did this image pop up. So it disappeared quickly, within seconds of my next shot.


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