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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ghost Hunters did you watch last nights episode?

Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well kids, it looks like Ghost Hunters, and all the powers that be may be starting to take heed of their fans. Last nights episode reminded us of reminded us of what the show used to "feel" like, and lo and behold I found myself paying attention. Grant's departure aside, this show seems like it is going back to basics, and it was a refreshing change of pace from what we'd seen so many times before on the show. Could it be that SyFy is paying attention? We're doing our part to make sure the message gets out there and here's what we observed in last nights episode.

1. Less goofy, more professional interaction
2. Less talking and idle chatter (thank you)
3. Back to investigating homes (well in part, but that is ok)
4. No more over-blown, over-reactions and over dramatizations

That's in a nutshell what we observed and now we all have to ponder, will it last? We hope so because this was the first show that we actually got into..which is great because who wants to fall asleep before Paranormal Witness comes on? Not us...Your thoughts???
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  1. I always prefer the shows that take a scientific and professional approach to ghost hunting rather than the cheap theatrics. It just adds believability to their findings.

  2. We agree with you Kellie, people are more inclined to believe things that have a serious scientific approach, even if it it's a contradiction in terms to "paranormal"..we expect logic to persuade us, even when dealing with the illogical. :)


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