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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Grant Wilson Tweets: There's nothing wrong in my marriage

Ghost HuntersImage via WikipediaApparently Grant Wilson has been deluged with questions from fans and twitter followers alike about his sudden departure from the SyFy hit show Ghost Hunters. In  a recent tweet, Wilson tweeted responses about the rumors circulating that his marriage was in trouble.

Wilson tweeted:
"There is no secret hidden reason why I am leaving the show. So please, stop trying to find one. I'm just done. Time to move on."
"Guys, I'm not leaving the show to save my marriage. I'm just moving on. I don't wear my wedding ring because my finger  had a reaction to it."
"My marriage is rock solid and better than ever. I love my wife and always will."
"I owe it to my wife to squash these rediculous rumors."
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  1. Why is it that people jump to conclusions about why Grant decided to leave GH? Why he left is his business. Why he doesn't wear his wedding band is his business as well. There are many married people who don't wear their wedding rings and they are happily married.

    1. I think people are curious creatures..and will always wonder about celebrities. Which is why magazines like the National Enquirer are still in circulation. I think people would also not have questioned his leaving so much if the show had resisted playing his departure up so in the media and make no mistake they did so intentionally knowing it would boost ratings. The show itself fanned those flames in the public's face. The show made a big deal out of it, left fans wondering, and now people think it is wrong that many were left wondering why????


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